The Three Little Hoosier Pigs (Spring 2019)


Costume Design

Photos by Roger David Manning

Performance & Production Credits

Producer: Indianapolis Opera

Pianist: Dasom Kwon

Set design: Briana Sosenheimer

Larry “Bird” Pig: Zachary Angus

Frederic Pig: Brandon Evans

Susie Pig: Therese Pirçon

The Big Bad Wolf: Lauren Carter

‘Three Little Pigs’ Meets Indiana

Sosenheimer’s first children’s opera for Indianapolis Opera tells the tale of The Three Little Pigs, with lots of Hoosier flare. Larry “Bird” Pig is a basketball wannabe who just wants to play around, while Susie is enamored with showchoir. Their brother, Frederic, maintains a farm for the family and finds that he’s the only responsible guy in the group.

Susie and Bird put off building a house, which leaves them in danger with a wolf lurking about. The wolf initially comes to them in sheep’s clothing, boasting how she can help design their homes. As soon as they’ve let their guards down, the wolf springs her trap, but the pigs are able to run away. Susie is able to join Frederic in his brick house, while Bird makes a flimsy home out of cut-out basketball photos. The Wolf is able to finally trap Bird once again, but discovers that the pigs are not to her taste. While she smells something tasty in the air, the pigs discover that the Wolf is more interested in the vegetables on their farm rather than the bacon on their backs. With an understanding that the Wolf will leave them unharmed in return for some crops, the Pigs are able to celebrate as a family once again.